Download Artificial Reason - Responsive Full Pack Bootstrap Templates v1.4.1

Download Artificial Reason - Responsive Full Pack Bootstrap Templates v1.4.1


Artificial Reason is a complete web solution. From their website has a new, sleek, professional look.
With an infinite combination of colors, headers, web templates and components. We assure that each site created with Artificial Reason is unique.
Artificial Reason has support for Gulp and Grunt so you can create your custom template very easily automated.
In the same way Bower has to manage third-party packages so you can instantly get the latest versions of all components.
Using Gulp/Grunt is optional. An HTML version ready for use is distributed.
iPad Users: direct access to the demo to avoid closure the browser:

Version 1.4.1

  • Update: Concatenated javascripts files from third parties in vendors.js
  • Update: Concatenated css files from third parties in vendors.css
  • Fixed: html5shiv correct copy to dist folder
  • Fixed: Delete media="screen" from CSS links
  • Fixed: Remove Styleswitcher from Grunt version

Version 1.4.0

  • New: Gulp support
  • New: Megamenu support
  • New: Masonry layer support
  • New: Home Product Template
  • New: Blog Masonry Template
  • New: Card Profile Component
  • New: Navbar Tabs Component
  • New: Counters Component
  • New: Preload Gif


  • Header fully customizable
  • Header Mode / Navbar Mode
  • Main color customizable
  • Optional use of Grunt / Gulp and optional Bower
  • fully responsive
  • More than 90 templates HTML
  • More than 50 components
  • E-Commerce Zone (Next version will be extended)
  • After-sales support


  • 8 Home Pages
  • Blog Pages (Blog, Blog Sidebar (Left/Right), Masonry, Single Entry)
  • E-Commerce Pages (Home, Filters, Product, Cart)
  • Portfolio Pages (Sidebar, Navbar, Full, Portfolio Item options)
  • 5 About us pages
  • 2 Our Team Pages
  • 2 Profile Pages
  • 2 Contact Form Pages
  • 4 Login / Register Pages
  • 4 Errors Pages (404, 500)
  • 4 Bussiness Template Pages
  • 2 Pricing Pages
  • 3 FAQ / Support Pages
  • 2 Coming Soon Pages
  • 2 Time Lines Pages


  • animate-css
  • bootstrap - 3.3.4
  • bootstrap-switch - 3.3.2
  • Buttons - 2.0.0
  • bxslider-4 - 4.2.3
  • circles.js
  • font-awesome - 4.3.0
  • holderjs - 2.3.2
  • html5shiv - 3.7.2
  • jquery - 1.11.2
  • jquery-cookie - 1.4.1
  • jquery.countdown - 2.0.4
  • lightbox - 2.7.1
  • mixitup - 2.1.7
  • respond - 1.4.2
  • slidebars - 0.10.2
  • syntaxhighlighter
  • wowjs - 1.0.3
  • imagesloaded - 3.1.8
  • masonry - 3.2.3

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