Download Mosaik - Responsive Admin Template

Download Mosaik - Responsive Admin Template


Welcome to Mosaik, the modern, full features and easy to use admin template.
Mosaik is designed to work perfectly well on any device.

Main Features

  1. Built on Bootstrap 2.3.2 (Works with older versions)
  2. Jquery v1.9.1
  3. jquery-ui v1.10.2
  4. parsley v1.1.14 (form validation)
  5. Fancy checkboxes and radio buttons and toggle button
  6. chart.js v0.8 (Easy, object oriented client side graphs )
  7. sparkline.js
  8. FullCalendar :
  9. spellchecker
  10. Pines Notify v1.2.0 (JavaScript notifications )
  11. wizard
  12. responsive-tables
  13. fileupload, inputmask, v2.3.1
  14. Daterangepicker
  15. Masonry (A dynamic layout plugin)
  16. Justegage v1.0.1 (animating nice & clean gauges)
  17. Slider
  18. Font Awesome 3.2.1
  19. Include 24 pages
  20. Clean design and structured, easy to use

Page templates

  • Main Dashboard
  • Users
  • Calendar
  • Inbox
  • Login Page
  • Invoice
  • errors
  • Product


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